Teaching Awards
- MTU Distinguished Teaching Award
- State of Michigan Teaching Excellence Award
- Michigan Association of Governing Boards of State Universities Award.
The Michigan Technological University (MTU) Distinguished Teaching Award
is awarded annually to faculty who are recognized for inspirational guidance, genuine interest in students as individuals and scholarly leadership. A single award was given during the 1950-1981 period. Since 1982, two separate awards were given, one to faculty in the Associate Professor and Professor category and one to faculty in the Lecturer, Professor of Practice, or Assistant Professor category.
Professor Charalambides received the MTU Distinguished Teaching Award in 1990 while an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics at MTU. A list of award recipients can be found at the MTU link below.
×State of Michigan Teaching Excellence Award
is awarded to faculty from state of Michigan universities recognized for superior classroom performance, innovative instructional practice, high educational standards and concern for students demonstrated at their home institution.
Professor Charalambides was honored with the State of Michigan Teaching Excellence Award in May 1991.
×Michigan Association of Governing Boards of State Universities Award.
is given to distinguished faculty and students of state of Michigan Universities recognized during the annual convocation of the Michigan Association of Governing Boards of State Universities.
Professor Charalambides was among two MTU faculty recognized during the 1991 convocation of the Michigan Association of Governing Boards of State Universities.
×Research Awards
- The Presidential Young Investigator Award (PYI)
The Presidential Young Investigator Award (PYI)
operated from 1984 to 1991 was awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and it was replaced by the NSF Young Investigator (NYI) and Presidential Faculty Fellows (PFF) program. These prestigious peer reviewed awards were given to promising young tenure track faculty members with demonstrated exceptional potential in education, research and scholarship. The award provided a minimum of $25,000 per year for five years from NSF, with up to $100,000 annually including industry matching secured by the PYI.
Professor Charalambides was awarded the NSF PYI award in 1991.
×Leadership Awards
- Outstanding, Leadership and Service Award
was awarded in 2004 to Professor Charalambides in recognition of his leadership in diversifying the faculty of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. During his Chairmanship, the ME faculty included four tenure/tenured track women faculty.
×Outstanding, Leadership and Service Award
presented to professor Charalambides in recognition of his exceptional contribution as a department chair during the 2002-2008 period.
“Transforming Mechanical Engineering at UMBC.” Invited presentation given at the ASME conference for Mechanical Engineering Department Heads held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 2007.

A photo of the Michigan Technological University award recipients recognized during the May 1991 convocation ceremony of the Michigan Association of Governing Boards of State Universities. Professor Charalambides is sitting second from left.