ENME220H-Mechanics of Materials Honors
(Developed with support from UMBC’s BreakingGround initiative)
The ENME220H-Mechanics of Materials Honors section offered by Professor Panos Charalambides was first offered during the Fall 2012 semester and was developed with support from UMBC’s BreakingGround initiative and the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Consistent with the goals and objectives of the UMBC BreakingGround initiative, in offering the ENME220H section, the overarching goal has been to enhance our engineering student’s social and civic awareness while enabling them to seek direct involvement in the affairs of their communities and society as a whole. The Honors students’ involvement in such activities are also expected to help elevate the civic mindedness of their peers and inspire a new generation of engineers that are mindful of their surroundings and are keenly aware of the power of how their technical knowledge can impact their immediate communities and society as whole, all of which are values aligned with the Breaking Ground initiative.
The offering of ENME220H section helped put forward a tangible vision along with strategic goals in enabling our ENME220H-Mechanics of Materials Honors students to contribute in assisting the City of Baltimore better maintain its costly aging water supply infrastructure. Several examples of specific engineering tasks are established in association with stated strategic goals.
Mentored by faculty, graduate students and City of Baltimore engineers, (see related photo below)

ENME220H-Mechanics of Materials Honors, Fall 2013: Photo taken during the class visit by the Director of Public Works Mr. Rudy Chow and his associates
students enrolled in the course are expected to develop model and non-model pipe failure estimates utilizing a broad set of historical and engineering data established through this initiative. Sustained student engagement is expected to both enhance our graduating student’s civic awareness while also lead to tangible engineering outcomes with direct benefits to the City of Baltimore in both cost savings and in instituting pro-active water pipe network maintenance practices.
In addition to the above, students enrolled in the ENME220H section participate in field trips to relevant sites within the greater Baltimore region such as visits to the City of Baltimore Transportation Management Center (see collage below).

ENME220H-Mechanics of Materials Honors, Fall 2012: Visit to the City of Baltimore Transportation Management Center (TMC) hosted by the Department of Transportation Director Zaied Khalil and TMC Manage T.J. Bathras.
as well as visits to the Ashburton Water Filtration plant and the Back River Wastewater Treatment plant as shown in the photo gallery below.

A photo gallery showing the ENME220H students visiting the Ashburton Water Filtration Plant during Fall 2013. http://www.gmbnet.com/portfolio/ashburton-water-filtration-plant/

ENME220H students visiting the Ashburton Water Filtration Plant during Fall 2013.

A photo of the Fall 2013, ENME220H-Mechanics of Materials Honors students with Professor Charalambides at the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant main lobby. http://publicworks.baltimorecity.gov/Bureaus/WaterWastewater/Wastewater/BackRiverWastewaterTreatmentPlant.aspx
Other activities include live skype sessions with Mechanical Engineering alumni at engineering leadership positions at GE such as those shown in photos below with GE Aviation and GE Appliances.

Photo of a skype session with GE Aviation Engineer and ME alumni Mr. Juan Alvarez taken during Fall 2013. A similar session was conducted during Fall 2012. Information provided during above sessions helped Honors students secure summer internships with GE Aviation and GE Appliances.

A photo of a skype session with GE Appliances team leader and ME alumni Mr. Payam Motabar taken during Fall 2013. A similar session was conducted during Fall 2012. Information provided during above sessions helped Honors students secure summer on campus interviews and summer internships with GE Appliances.

A photo of the UMBC Performing Arts Center under construction taken during a Fall 2012 ENME220H site visit.